Swimming pool and home care

First of all, I hope you who are reading this had a good Christmas and New Year.

I haven't written for a long time, apparently my writing skills have disappeared while my addictions in search of pleasures to mask my reality have increased. It's funny, I started this blog just to let you know my story and now that the number of views has reached the 10k mark, I feel a bit ashamed and afraid to write, but at least the "anonymity" gives me comfort to keep writing even though I don't have much to say.

I had a good Christmas and New Year with the family together, as is the tradition. Christmas was at my aunt's and my uncle put a heater in the pool for me, so I got into the pool after many years, I can't remember exactly how many. It was really nice to feel totally relaxed and pain-free, but the downside was feeling short of breath after getting out of the water. It's a shame, because I'd already arranged with my aunt and uncle to have physiotherapy there once a week and if I'm going to be short of breath, it's best to avoid going in so often.

The home care centre just needs to sign the contract with the state so that the nurses can start coming, which will probably happen this week. I've already chosen the four nurses who will stay with me for 45 days. After 45 days, I'll decide whether to continue with them or change nurses. In addition to these four, there's another nurse who will be inspected every fortnight and this nurse will be my aunt, the same one from the swimming pool.

I intend to be a new person in 2024, with the nurses and everything else I'm sure that my depressive state will decrease a lot, because I'll get out of bed more often, walk around the neighbourhood and sunbathe, etc. I'm going to get back to my spiritual life with all my heart, I need to after this very blessed end of the year. I remember very well the prayer I said at the beginning of 2023 asking God to take me at once to give my mum a rest, that was the most sincere prayer I've ever said, so I know that this is something granted to me by divine grace and because my mum seeks so many things for me, but I know that if it wasn't for grace, this would take a long time to achieve. Oh, something I was about to forget, I've been trying to get into the world of text roleplay, it's going to be a good hobby to investigate my literary writing.

01/03/24, Wednesday 3:25 AM