First session

The day after the last post, the psychologist booked the first session, which was on the 2nd. Talking to her about my problems was much easier than I thought it would be, I was just ashamed to talk openly about my sexual frustrations, but in the little I said she must have already understood, anyway I will discuss this in the following sessions. She was supposed to send me an email confirming the date and time of the session, it's been a week and nothing, I emailed her to ask about it; I hope I don't look like a charge and think I'm a slacker, but as she said, it's to email about any unforeseen events so as not to miss the appointments, and as there had already been a problem with emails not arriving in my inbox at the first session, I preferred to prevent damage. I have fortnightly appointments.

It's funny, after the first session I started doing things I had stopped doing. Exercises to help with speech and swallowing, I'm starting to wash my face again and I'm thinking about my diet again... the last two don't depend on me, the things that do are the exercises and religiosity.

Another thing I forgot to tell you, my mum is looking after her great aunt and she had an operation to remove a tumour from her stomach a little over a month ago, she was fine but has started vomiting and having pain again. I may sound insensitive saying this but I think she is on her last legs. God comfort her.

08/09/23, Wednesday