Firefighter, exam and conflict

In the previous post, conflict overshadowed the good things and I forgot to write about them. My mum came second in the firefighters' competition and on Sunday she'll have her physical aptitude test, she's been training hard this week. I hope she makes it, I think she will. I had my heart checked on Thursday, nothing wrong with it, it's strong and steady. I've signed up for the Encceja exam, now I have to wait until August.

Another very good thing: on the 30th there was a hearing for ANVISA to accept the medication that stops the progression of duchenne. They asked for a new deadline of June, and the hearing was very positive. The first to receive this medication will be the children, as they still have plenty of muscle and can walk. Receiving this news was very encouraging, it made me very happy. I hope it's my turn soon, but in any case it's very gratifying to know that in the very near future children with DMD will be practically cured.

The nurse seems to be treating me carelessly, she takes too long to attend to me, she seems to be doing things grudgingly. Just today, she scratched my neck and it's still burning. In the conversation between my mum, me and her, it was said that what bothers her is that I say things one on top of the other, I do it just to get ahead, but that's fine, I'm changing that and only asking for one thing at a time, but apparently this carelessness has arisen. I'll observe a few more shifts and ask my sister to confirm my observation.

05/04/24, Saturday 2:01 PM