Notes from August 2024

I spoke to my mum about being discouraged from taking the Encceja and she explained that I wouldn't lose my benefit, I'd just get half a salary. It's like this to encourage people to enter the labour market.

The government wants to suspend home care and leave only the supplies and medicines. They're trying to take away nursing and cough assist. I genuinely hope I don't lose and I don't think I will, the Regional Health Board is on my side, I think it's hard to lose.

Four days after I wrote the paragraph above, the news came through: nursing has been temporarily suspended. Two nurses will remain because they have to serve a month's notice.After this month, I won't have any more nurses for who knows how long, and the hope is that everything will be sorted out in the meantime. I hope they don't take them away, but just reduce them and leave at least the day nurses.

I was in memento mori for a day because a relative died. She had to have surgery and never woke up, it took her a week between complications to die. I had a lot of contact, although I wasn't that close to her, she was the closest to me to pass away. At least she didn't die sad and stuck in bed, she even went to the surgery with joy, which is a good thing in itself. It makes me wonder if when my parents pass away I'll be neutral too, but the reality is that I won't be. Besides, I think I'll go before them.

There's only one more week until the nurses leave, they'll stay until 11 September. It's funny that the state should do this in the middle of an election year. All that remains is to thank the professionals who have been with me for eight months, one of whom is an excellent professional I have nothing to complain about. I can only hope that I won't be without nursing for too long. May everything work out for the best.
