10 days of home care

Today marks exactly 10 days with the home care nurses and it doesn't seem to have been just that, it seems to have been much longer. I've got on very well with three of them, in fact I've got on well with all of them, but one on the night shift got on my nerves when she wanted to induce me to tell the doctor that I have insomnia so that I could take medication. So far so good, but the last thing was that she wanted to co-opt other nurses and lie to them about the fact that I don't sleep at night and have screaming fits in the early hours of the morning. I thought it was absurd and it made me lose my patience with her.

She also wanted to talk about the day nurse's work, saying that she left me in the same position all day and that she left me on the computer a lot. If I'm not on the computer, what am I going to do all day? I was sympathising with her, but if she's doing this for 10 days, I'm going to have to ask for a change of nurse. I'm always going to sleep at 10 or 11pm, brushing my teeth every day and waking up early. First I'll sort out my sleep and then I'll create a routine of getting out of bed more and sunbathing. I got used to it pretty quickly, I thought I'd be a bit uncomfortable at first, but that wasn't the case.

01/21/24, Sunday 9:15 PM